Laravel 5 Tutorial - How we can use Get() method in HTTP Session, Put() method and Remove() Method HTTP Session in laravel 5.3? in the previews lessons, we have learn about Create localization for Multiple languages and Authentication Login & Registration Form + Bootstrap
Get() method in HTTP Session
Get() method in HTTP Session is used for Accessing Session Data, we need an instance of session which can be accessed via HTTP request.Put() method in HTTP Session
Put() can use for Storing Session Data, The put() method will take with two arguments, the "key" and the "value".Forget() method in HTTP Session
forget() method use for Deleting Session Data, more detail about Http Session following Laravel Document Laravel Project (Http Session)
At your laravel project, we need to create new Controller, create new controller using Artisan command following by :
php artisan make:controller SessionController
Your SessionController.php will created and stored on App\Http\Controllers
Just create all function for Get() Put() Remove() Method int your controller,
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
class SessionController extends Controller
//we will create function to get accessing session Data
// that is with get() method
public function getSession(Request $request){
echo $request->session()->get('session_name');
else {
echo 'no data in the session';
// create new function for put method
public function putSession(Request $request){
echo 'a data hasbeen added to the session';
// create new function to delete session
public function forgetSession(Request $request){
echo "data hasbeen removed from the session";
After all done, just create new routes in your route file (\routes\web.php for Laravel 5.3)
Route::get('session/get', 'SessionController@getSession');
Route::get('session/put', 'SessionController@putSession');
Route::get('session/forget', 'SessionController@forgetSession');
Try to access your route in your browser following this command
Video Tutorial Get() Put() Remove() Method HTTP Session
See you next Lessons ....
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